Tuesday, April 12, 2011

North on US 101 N

 Historic houses in Eureka

USA Coast Guard Ship in Eureka

Bear craved out of a Redwood tree

Me & bike "Tour-Thru-Tree " Klamath

 Beautiful Redwoods

Mini Hole-in-the-wall

Elk in someone's garden

First time I've see the ocean since the bottom of Mexico

After spend time in San Francisco, I headed North again on the US 101 North (Redwood Highway)  Great double highway which takes you north passing  Santa Rosa, Willits and Garberville and then joins the Pacific Coastal Route at Eureka. On the way you go through beautiful Redwood Forests, were these beautiful tree grow to over  300ft high. When the highway goes through a National Park it goes back to a single lane road, very sensitive to the Environment  here.  The Redwoods grow from Big Sur to the Oregon border, but only on California's Redwood Coast do these magnificent trees achieve their primeval glory. Here are untouched groves that staggers the senses with their size. You can see me below driving my bike threw one, it's approximately 725years old and 90ft high.
Eureka is a historic fishing village, with gracious Victorian mansions, the old town has been meticulously preserved and restored district of unique shops, restaurants, galleries and museums. 
Lots of signs "Elk Crossing" saw none until I came across a truck that had hit one. Talking about accidents, I saw my first serious one the day before, I was riding along, since my bearing problem I've been to scared to use my Ipod, always listening to the bike noises, well suddenly I heard a new noise, only to see a Black & White Highway patrol car racing past me, siren blaring, during the morning a Ford F250 pick-up pasted me a few times, the reason I noticed it was because it had a Red Plastic scooter tired on the back load body, like you  would put your bike on the back. Came round a corner to  see the scooter laying in the road, then found that the pick-up had rolled and the family were all laying on the ground next to the vehicle. On the scene already were 2 fire trucks, and the highway patrol guy, didn't stop.
Stop over tonight in a town called Coos Bay, tomorrow I head towards Seattle,  which is 650km's from here. Check on my GPS and I 'am less than a 1000km's from Vancouver. 


Anonymous Jeni Cole said...

Really enjoying your travelogue - informative and interesting and great pictures - you're really chewing up the miles now and seeing some beautiful country. Be safe and have a wonderful day. Love, Jeni & Pam xxx

April 13, 2011 at 10:36 PM  
Anonymous Jeni Cole said...

Sorry about the family's accident - hope they were all OK.

April 13, 2011 at 10:38 PM  

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