Thursday, April 7, 2011

Lone Ranger on his Sliver Steed

Over 4000feet high very cold

The only way to see the States
Left Tucson bright and early and headed along the Interstate 10 West for about 150km's in the direction of Phoenix, what a beautiful city full of clean parks with big water features, wide streets, no mess or rubiest  laying around, grass neatly cut. Saw a BMW dealership on the side of the highway and stopped, only to find it was a car dealership, well Dave the car salesman printed me a map of the Motorad  shop, which I found with ease, as I was a traveler my bike was quickly in the workshop, a new rear tire was fitted and the diff oil changed as per Dirk's instruction after doing more than 3000km's after fitting the new bearings.
Left Phoenix at lunch time and made my way out of the city with ease again, found  interstate 17  "North "
(Arizona Veterans Monument Highway ) headed off towards Flagstaff, for the last month or so I been riding  with all my vents open on my riding suit but I soon had to stop and close all the vents as I went from 1500feet to 3000feet in about 10minutes and then to over 4000feet quickly there after. Arrived in Flagstaff to overnight and will  do a ride through the Grand Canyon tomorrow.

4 Diesel engines pulling over a mile long train, double stacked  the containers

Old aircraft grave yard

Ostrich farm, made me homesick
Signs on road : Beware of Ice on the highway - Area for putting on chains


Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Lyndsay
Sorry to hear about the breakdown. At least I know that I still have 56000kms to go trouble free. When I see ostrich I don't get homesick, I just think overdraft. Good luck with the rest up north.

April 7, 2011 at 10:53 AM  
Anonymous Dirk Lottering said...

Hey Lindsay,

Hope we get to see a few pictures of big harley shops and of course Ben & Jerry's consumption. Glad the diff is running well again and it should be fine for many more miles.

Greetings from a 22 degree London today!


April 7, 2011 at 11:41 AM  

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