Tuesday, April 5, 2011

4 Days off the bike in Puebla & on the road to EL Paso

Stan's Tyre ad

Long & Straight road

Water stop but undrinkable 

Each town has a monument 

Copper basin & bucket seller

Long line of cars border crossing EL Paso
The parts were supposed to have arrived on  Friday morning, but we all know about big dealership parts warehouses, only arrived 10am Saturday morning, but as promised Alex had it up & running by 2pm Saturday afternoon. After re-loading and signing a letter that I would not have any come-back on BMW  Puebla, due to me taking the cheaper option and just replacing the bearing & seals, I was on my way " North  " again, great to be back in the saddle, following direction SMS to me by Stan I was out of the city in no time at all, but at  about 20km's out,  I missed the by-pass road to by-pass Mexico City and went straight into it. Well heard all the stories about the size and hassles of going through it, but really enjoyed seeing the center and got through in no time at all, thanks to my GPS of course. The bike seems to be a lot smoother running now than before, or is it my imagination. As I was in the center of Mexico I decided to head up the center and exit out @ EL Paso, which was the shortest route, but most boring, did the distance in two & half days and arrived in the USA on Monday afternoon. The border post was like in the movies, long lines of cars 4 abreast with no space given between them for a bike to slip by, well waited my turn, got to the front and because I was coming out of Mexico by panniers had to get searched, no food stuffs, guns, drugs, "soil " of all things, fruit and any plants, now what would I be doing with any of those things on my bike.


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