Friday, April 1, 2011

I suppose it had to happen

 A sight you don't want to see on the road 

BM & 2 Honda's in tow
After doing more than 76000km's of trouble free travelling, taking me from Prince Albert up the West Coast of Africa to the top of Africa to Tangier's to cross over the channel and up through Europe to Kent in England, then to do the ride called "The Longest Day Ride "from John o groats to Lands Ends in under 24hours, without a missing beat. She decided that after doing 23000km's in South America & Central America, she needed a rest and came to a stop about 60km's outside the city of Puebla in Mexico. As I was riding along a double highway Toll Road I heard a new strange noise coming from the bike, at first thought I pick-up a puncture, stopped to check the front tyre, nothing, then took a look at the back one, only to see oil coming out of the draft-shaft, well straight away you start worrying about " what next."  My 2 riding mates were ahead of me and did not see me stop straight away, but realized soon and found a break in the middle barriers and came back on the other-side to me. Marco then told me that he thought that the diff had a broken bearing. After a hour or so a car stopped on the other-side of the highway and shouted if we needed help, walked over and meet Ricardo Irvine ( Tropical Tours ) a member of the local BM club, straight away he was on the phone to his friend the President of the BM club in Mexico,  who's big mate was a owner of the BM dealership in Puebla, well a break-down truck was arranged and would collect me &the bike with-in 2 hours. After another hour a second car stopped, also a BM owner and his friend owned the hotel opposite the BM dealership, booked us a room then & there. Have in the past  spoken about Stan's lucky card "5 of Hearts" well you can imagine how he was going on about the lucky card.   Break-down truck arrived and  bike was safely loaded and with the 2 Honda's in tow, carried on to Puebla, arriving at 8pm, where the service manager was waiting.Next morning walked over to the workshop, were the diff was already been  stripped and a bearing had collapsed. I was given two option on the repairs. Order a new diff from Germany 7days waiting or replace all the bearing &seals in the diff & drive-shaft, 3 days waiting. Stan & Marco suggested the replacement route, I was still worried so I skype Dirk ( Son-in-law in England) he also agreed on replacing the bearings, which I have now decided to do. Only hassle you don't get a guarantee on the repairs done.
As Marco was given only 7 days to cross Mexico, him & Stan have left and carried on to the States were I will hock-up later with them.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to see your bad luck Linds and Josh but that's the 'fun' of m/cycling! Good to have Marco there and the support for BMW's is impressive - some good contacts at the roadside.The views, stories and photos from both venues is a bonus to us readers so thanks guys. Nice to see the trip form 2 perspectives and experiences. Tony, show us the speedo dive but please keep it quick! As Robbie said, the Buff was a lekker ride, took the new Tr 800xc out for a w/end. What a bike! spokes and 21 inch fr wheel make a huge diff., all with a gr8 motor. Will surely get one soon. Squash season well underway and Stormers big test is in Durban tomorrow Sharks at 5 pm.
Have fun, look after the bikes and your butts/bodies. John vd Spuy

April 1, 2011 at 5:26 PM  
Blogger TONY HEATH said...

Hi JOHN,Nice to hear from u guys again and yeah,that new triumph is gonna be worth a try when i return.Looking fwd to trying it out!
Let us know result of sharks game and hi to the boys at squash.We're slumming it here in Acapulco where we're hoping to get part by tomorrow and will have to stay here in Acapulco for another 2 nights.It's actually very nice.I'll try to post a few photos soon.Just afraid that Cheryl will think we're having too nice a time??

April 2, 2011 at 1:03 AM  

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