Friday, March 25, 2011

Day trip to Guatemala City

In SA called a "Kalahari" here the Basic Model

Had to make a trip into the city, had heard all the stories about bike hijackings and so on, left early to avoid the traffic, did the 40km trip in under 45minutes, straight to the BMW dealership were we had booked my bike in for a service & oil change, new speedo drive, mine packed-up about 5000km's ago, the 2 Honda's ordered new back tyres as well. Alex the service manager was waiting for us, bikes booked in and we took a walk around the very up-market shopping centers in the area .Meet the owner of the dealership who is in his 70's and still rides to work everyday and has a large collection of BMW bikes, pics of one below. Also Imagen going to the BM dealership in the waterfront and having a guard with a pump-action shotgun watching your every move.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

come stan i can see u doing that job, shotgun and all, wonder if they have ever had to use their 'shooter' and what would happen to the bikes and customers. special on new bmw with a few minor holes in tank. H

March 25, 2011 at 9:06 AM  

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