Thursday, March 24, 2011

On the road from Puerto Barrios to just past Guatemala City

The road  became once again very busy with lots of trucks and buses,  very few private cars seem to do the intercity routes, passing a long line of trucks I pull in behind a truck to have the biggest "Brahman Bull" giving me the eye, well we chattered for a while, asked were I was from, told me he had been bought by a very rich stud farmer and was on his way to his new lush green pasture home, well that's what I would have liked to have heard, not that he was on his way to the slaughterhouse.
Talking about trucks, you see the biggest trucks here, all with there own sleeper cabs, Freight-liners, International's, Mack's and my Favorited Kenworth. At the borders you see miles & miles of trucks waiting to cross over, most of the drivers have bought hammocks which they slings under the trailer body's and sleep while their "Fixer" does the paperwork for them. At every border you have a bunch of guys hassling you to help with the crossing, called "Fixers" sometimes it is a blessing in disguise because the different windows are far apart but you must always pay  them for the service.At the Honduras border post we had a kid of about 10 years old helping us, took all our passports, bike papers and drivers licences off to have photocopies made, well after about 15 minutes we were very worried, only to see him come running back from the Nicaragua side, were he had made us all the copies that we required.


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