Thursday, March 24, 2011

"Antigua" what a find

Antigua is one of the most beautifully restored towns that we have visited on our travels, it was completely razed in an earth-quake in the 17th hundreds and slowly rebuilt, retaining much of its traditional character and has been declared a World Heritage site. It is surrounded by 3 Volcanoes, one of which is still active. Read a very interesting  quote in a travel book I was reading. "Its a place where power lines run underground, building codes are adhered to, rubbish is collected, traffic diverted and stray dogs "disappear" mysterious in the night" The central plaza hows a fountain dating also back to the 17th century. We found a great hotel with a center caught yard, roof garden with great views of the town,  laid-back relaxing feel, friendly owner who allow us to park the bikes inside the foyer  as per photo. Did a walk around town today, lots of markets selling Maya dresses, shirts, masks, jewelry (jade) and of course Guatemalan T/shirts. 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think its great that we are getting a different perspective from all you guys. What you miss they see and what they miss you see so we are really getting a great insight of the places you are travelling thru. Brilliant.
Keep blogging and drive carefully.

March 24, 2011 at 9:48 AM  

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