Saturday, April 2, 2011

Observations by Stan

Next time you driving behind a couple of those heavy haulage trucks don't curse and carry on, we've had to get past 50kilos plus bumper to bumper through mountain passes having to negotiate that lot we broke every law in the book either that or die from diesel fumes so you guys in Knysna drive with a smile , you know what I mean.
I saw this guy walking his cow actually he was on his way to a cattle auction in Peru. All animals along side the road are leashed,  cows, horses, pigs and sheep, you name it very few loose. 
Don't forget Happiness is " a full tank of gasoline, a well oiled chain ( not BMW) they have a disselbooms. A clean pair of underpants. Oh yes that 1st cup of coffee after hitting the road in the early morning. 
Tasted Tequila the one with a worm in it and the name for toilets is "Banos" 

Posted by Stan 


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