Friday, April 8, 2011

American Dream

If any biker out there, ever wanted to ride across  America, the best way to do it is always on your own bike of course or just hire a big fat Harley. Saw lots of couples & single riders,  most riding without helmets. Then on accommodation side it's so cheap if you are a couple. Motel 6 is group of motels in every town & city across America, large rooms with TV, WiFi, air-con and most have pools. Cost $39  per 2 and same price for one. They will even prebook you a room in your next overnight destination. Yesterday was the first time on my trip were I didn't have to ask for a discount or cheaper price, back home at our guest house you alway have the pensioners asking for "Pensioners Rates" well the receptionist yesterday before I asked,  said I gave you pensioners discount, must be looking a lot older after the long days ride, or just the wear & tear kicking in. CBS here have a great weather channel, giving you a regional forecast on your next days weather, yesterday they were spot-on with the winds gusting up to 50miles a hour, today  going to be windy but only up to 30miles a hour. Forgot to mention on yesterdays ride, I was hanging  on to the handlebars, getting very stiff  hands, lots of tumbleweeds blowing across the road, thought that after surviving the winds of Patagonia, one would be able to ride in any strength of winds. When a big rig, which had been following me for miles, pulled up long side me and blocked the wind, wow very cosy & warm, we gave each other the thumbs up and I rode for a few miles in the shelter of the truck until traffic built up behind him and me and he had to  pull ahead.
Sign in shop: unattended kids will be used for soup base - No senior citizens discount you have had twice as long to get the money


Anonymous Jeni Cole said...

Hi Lindsay - good to hear all YOUR news. Great photos of the Grand Canyon and good to know you can order breakfast in your mother tongue. This has to be the trip of a lifetime - you've been through all the hassles and crap and have come through with flying colours like the true gentleman rider you are! Please order crispy bacon, pancakes with maple syrup, eggs sunny side up and hash browns for me. Missing you in PA but enjoying a drink with Ria this evening. Love ya. Travel gladly and safely. Jeni & Pam xxx

April 8, 2011 at 7:16 PM  
Blogger Rob Croese said...

Lindsey, thanks for the nice comments about my favorite adopted country. The US can be a bit sterile and predicatable, but it is probably also the most well-organized and cheapest industrialized country in the world. You can get free, hi-speed WiFi in most fast food restaurants and coffee shops, which is a real plus for world-traveling correspondents.

I would be interested in reading your take on the pros and cons of traveling alone vs. traveling in pairs or a group.

I hope the wind will subside when you get out of the desert. Are you planning to go up to Prudhoe Bay? It may be a tad early for that, but spring should be in the air.


April 8, 2011 at 10:19 PM  

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