All out of "Smarties "

Great Jazz & play's 2 guitars @ same time
Made the right choice to stop over in Kingman 100 miles out of Las Vegas, huge storm clouds were coming in and as I had mentioned yesterday I was tried of fighting the wind. Left after a delightful breakfast which didn't cost $3 and heading towards Vegas, stopping at the Hoover Dam what a "Awesome" sight and engineering wonder, very impressive. Stopped in Boulder City for coffee, it has great views over Lake Mead and then did the last 20miles into Las Vegas. Always thought Vegas was in the desert and a very warm place, well not so today, there been a icy cold wind blowing, which is coming off the surrounding mountains, all covered in snow. Saw lots of poor tourist who properly had the same idea's as me on the place, all in in shorts and t shirts, the curio shop's did good business on sweatshirts.

Storm coming in

Hoover Dam

CCA gets around, Stan check out Facts below, Max. column height is 287ft

Bridge Facts

Boulder City overlooking Lake Mead

Las Vegas Tropicana Street

Poor Cats in MGM casino

Look Stan & Dirk found one

Harley Cafe

Just had to do

Funny trailer @ the Dam
Really enjoying your stories and photos! Must be quite a change riding on your own (after having had company), but at least you donot have to debate with others as to which way to go or where to stop!! I suppose after having done your African trip alone, you must be used to riding alone. Which do you prefer?
Hi Linds, love the blog at the moment. So much more interesting to read! Really hope you enjoyed ben e jerry's?!? Is ours in the post?
Please ride safely e keep up the great pics.
Love Michelle
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