Wednesday, April 13, 2011

North on US 101 N ( Day 2 )

Early morning view from my Motel in Coos Bay

Bridge outside Coos Bay

Cold work checking crab nets 

Sign said Elk viewing, this was 3miles on

Breakfast stop in Drain

Got up early and loaded the bike to be on the road at sun up, put on all my winter gear, inner linings on jacket & pants, thermal  underwear and 2 fleece tops,  wrong discussion, still got very cold,  bike was covered in icy, the sun did come out for awhile but soon disappeared  behind the clouds. Left Coos Bay on 101, passing Florence on the Siuslam River, which  has the amazing Oregon Dune  National Park, were you can hire a Dune Buggy's and ride the dunes. Stopped off at my first "Diner" for hot coffee & breakfast. Then went inland to join the route 5 passing Portland and arrived in Seattle mid afternoon.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hi there
It is really beautiful in that area. Hope the wheather holds for you. We had yesterday a little bit of rain, so we all feel better. Are you riding on your own now? Good luck for you and the CCA.

April 13, 2011 at 3:16 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi there
It is really beautiful in that area. Hope the wheather holds for you. We had yesterday a little bit of rain, so we all feel better. Are you riding on your own now? Good luck for you and the CCA.

April 13, 2011 at 3:16 PM  
Anonymous Jeni Cole said...

Hi Lindsay - left PA for CPT yesterday and just missed the rain. It's definitely getting cooler over here but we haven't had to resort to all the gear that you're wearing. Thanks for the new pics - have a good breakfast. Love, Jeni & Pam xxx

April 13, 2011 at 10:28 PM  

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