Tuesday, May 3, 2011


WOW  how great is it to  see the response and  comments on the blog. Everybody really took " The Bait " but thanks again to all the followers, nice to see all the different view points. Life on the Road is a totally different ball game to being at home. Firstly you have to give and take, understand others view points, adapt to living in confined spaces, accept others may have bad table manners and in general try and make it work.  We all know that blood is thicker than water and family stick together, but the remaining three know the true truth of the split, by the way in Lima with-in 2 hour of the split, I posted our address, a Taxi would have taken you straight to it, the next the time was actually 11.45 and we had just had one of the best and biggest breakfast on the trip in the Rain Forest.


Blogger TONY HEATH said...

I had already explained that ,without any communication tools and the logistics,with an overheating engine, of finding an Internet outlet on the off chance that someone had posted some information on the groups whereabouts (3hours later) and then getting a taxi to this place in. City of 13m are obvious,.
I made a call and ,in fact thought that ,under the circumstances ,the rest of the group had also headed North.
I had no problem with the real issue of being left behind and had no option but to ride on till I found s town which might contain Internet access.
Now perhaps we can put the matter "to bed"

May 3, 2011 at 10:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tony Heath's childish and immature vitriole speaks volumes. Quite clearly he's not used to being challenged. It's obviously always been his way or the highway (to quote SRV). Tony was clearly never a solid member of the group, his childishly negative remarks about the other members of the group show that clearly. Instead of making snide remarks about his fellow riders, he could have been brave enough to address the real issues directly with them, face to face instead of calling them names on the blog.
As for writing style...well some seemed to find it funny and enlightening and one clown even had the audacity to bring Monty Python into the debate.(Pure sacrilege that was!)

May 3, 2011 at 10:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put the matter to "bed"? Getting tired? My serious advice is HTFU, STFU and ride on. Blog politely and keep your excuses for your small circle of friends, family and fans back home. Take responsibility for your own actions for once.

May 3, 2011 at 10:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Mei 3 10:10. Jy is duidelik nou op 'n missie. Jy het 'n heeltemale nuwe blog nodig vir hierdie persoonlike snert. Ek vra dan met trane in my oge, as Tony nou nie eintlik deel was van die trip nie hoekom het ons dan so lekker gelees van die trip en toe tree die kinderagtigheid te vore. Haai jittie, dit is so kleinlik, maar toemaar ons sal vir jou onsteltenis bid en alles van die beste vorentoe. Miskien as hierdie trippie klaar en verby is en almal veilig by hul huise is sal jy miskien die moed vind om 'n sameroeping saam te kry en dan al hierdie klein goedjies om 'n tafel uitstryk. Dan kan mense ten minste oog kontant maak as om agter 'n computer te sit. Vir die rekord, ek ken Tony nie maar as hy nou nie van die begin geblog het nie sou ons niks van hierdie trip geweet het nie. Wees nou 'n man en begrawe die byl. Aan die twee oorblywende "bikers" sterkte vorentoe en geniet wat duidelik die einde van 'n asemrowende reis is. Julle het goed gedoen. Stuur nou lekker nuus en fotos en geniet dit.

May 3, 2011 at 10:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jy het dit nou. Ek is op 'n missie, maar moet asseblief nie vir my bid nie. Bid liewers vir jouself. En, sover ek die ding sien is dit beslis nie jou pal Tony wat die blog begin het nie, dit was Lindsay wat dit gedoen het, net so "baai the way". Tony het op die blog geklim en sy bek beginne rek, sonder gevoel of respek vir sy mede-bikers. Ek dink hy oes nou wat hy gesaai het.

May 3, 2011 at 10:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fact is that when 4 bikers do a trip, there are always going to be 4 different opinions as to how far to ride, where to, where to eat and when etc It is give and take. Why is it that, according to Tony, the other 3 were in the wrong and he was always right?
Anyway, wishing Tony and Lindsay happy motoring days in USA

May 4, 2011 at 11:20 AM  
Blogger TONY HEATH said...

There is a very simple way to avoid the aggravation that the above commenter is obviously experiencing when reading my blog.
The publisher of any such blog (there are only two so this one should be easy for you anonymous) is always clearly indicated.

May 4, 2011 at 1:46 PM  
Anonymous lana said...

exackery! dont read it! it was very naiive if anyone thinks that 4 different people from 4 different ways of life would agree upon everything AND ALL HAVE THE SAME BLOGGING STYLE? In reference to "anon boeres comment"; not everyone on the trip is a boer and not everyone reading this is a boer and not every boer has the same opinion as you do. geez...ever heard about freedom of expression! obv not w censorships etc. perhaps if this was lindsays blog...with 3 other allowed to blog.... then that should have been spelt out in the beginning before the trip, the "rules" should have been laid down as to what to write about, how to write and that there would be censorships is laws werent obeyed? youd swear it was extreme nudity being published! or we were from zim.....my last words on this are as follows; tony (i know him well and love him dearly) can take the same humour that humours him back about himself just as he dishes, tony did not start this war on words he answered a comment simply and to get ones hair up that names werent mentioned is ridiculous. whay were you reading anyway? and isnt it obvious who the two people were who left early? it was to me anyway and lastly for friends and family we obviously have strong feelings for our "side" but for the handful of others who are really reading this to follow either lindsay or tony or boths trip this must be really boring now!

May 4, 2011 at 4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@lana: Rave on lana, rave on. Just don't ever let the facts get in the way of a good rant.
I had no idea this had anything to do with "sides"?
Pray tell where you saw the "anon boeres" comment.
@tony If you're such an expert on the blogosphere, why don't you trundle off into the intrawebs and set up one for yourself?

May 4, 2011 at 8:55 PM  
Anonymous lana said...

thanks ANON

May 5, 2011 at 2:54 PM  
Anonymous lana said...

ps 3rd may ANON

May 5, 2011 at 2:56 PM  
Anonymous lana said...

ps youre obv not a follower to the blog but this blog site was set up by lindsay for the 4 people doing this trip namely tony lindsay stan and marco. its been explained ad nauseum that the reason tony is still blogging is beacuse of this very reason (that he is 1 of the 4 that started out on this trip) and the fact that he has been blogging long before the trip ever started and its his story and history as the other 3's. the point that both lindsay and tonys names appear clearly at the bottom of the blog allows the reader to read and follow who and what they will. i personally enjoy reading both contributors but if people really dislike tony's as much as they are making out its pretty simple...dont read it! and please stop ANNONING..its pretty cowardly

May 5, 2011 at 3:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.....see I will not be drawn into any further debate re all the above..except anony-mouse May 3 2011 10:10 pm....u r a dickhead...kees

May 7, 2011 at 3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tony
Not sure if you will get this but jsut to let you know that Emil sends his regards - he unable to access blogs etc at work but he often talks of you and alwasy enquiring as to your trip. Hope your bike fixed and that you havea great time with your wife

May 10, 2011 at 12:49 PM  

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