Thursday, April 28, 2011


After leaving Salt Lake City headed to Park City, for breakfast and a look around. Park City is known for its world class ski resorts, host of the 2002 Winter Olympics. Main Street is in the hub of "Old Town" with great eating places and shops. Got back onto Highway 15 heading South, after awhile decided to turn  Southwest onto US 6 towards Price and reached Green River, were I stopped to overnight and just sit outside in the unbelievable sunshine, what a treat to have warmth in the sun again. One of the worries I've had on the trip, while riding on major highways, is been hit from behind, well I always glance in my rear view mirrors,  checking to see if any cars or trucks are getting to close, ride in the right hand and slow lane. Reason why, on the news last night a bike rider was returning from work, riding in the fast-lane and was rear ended by a car, push him into the car in front and then thrown over the front car hitting the right-hand bumper then falling into the lane of on-coming cars, just nearly missed by a car. All caught on Road-cam, survived with cracked ribs, lost his spine though  but very lucky to be alive.


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