Monday, April 25, 2011

Riding from North to West and out at West Yellowstone

"Liberty Cap" Dormant Hot Spring Cone

Not were I fell, better road surface

Left Chico Hot Springs and headed towards Yellowstone National  Park, came around a corner saw a flashing light sign, saying "Motor Cyclist Beware " slowed down, only to find I had to cross a Cattle Grid, then  passed  Gardiner, which is on the Yellowstone River, arrived at the Main Park gate, Paid my $20 for a bike, car costs $25 ?? doesn't seem fair, asked Ranger ( not as good looking and well dressed as Grand Canyon rangers ) about road and weather conditions, said "No Problems" at all, must exit out at West Yellowstone. As always I should have known. Didn't happen. Rode into park, lots of Buffalo's on the sides of the road, stopped at Mammoth Springs Junction, took pictures of the amazing  Mammoth Hot Springs which has a wooden  walking path around the lower and upper terraces area. Started climbing up a zig-zag road, went over the top ( 8564ft)  and straight away into falling snow, well couldn't turn back, so pushed on slowly, hit a frozen part of the road and down I went sliding along the road for about 20m Fortunately in  no time at all a car arrived on the scene, out jump the driver and helped right my bike, luckily no damaged and injury, he  then followed me, just in case I had another mishap, but I quickly learnt to  use my feet as training wheels and slide my boots along the tops of the ice for the next 20miles to Norris, where it stopped snowing and the road conditions improved, made straight for West Yellowstone Village, booked into a Motel and will wait and see what tomorrow brings. Lady at reception tells me must go over a pass, then drop down to Ashton.


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