Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Way back in the mid 90th's I had just got divorced for the first and only time I hope, decided I needed to change my life, so thought a bike would be a good option. Went off to our local dealer in East London with the intentions of buying a small bike to use over week-ends and ride down to the beach  occasionally, Well it didn't happen I was con into looking at a Green and White 250cc two-stroke KTM (Kick to Monday) off-road full Enduro machine.Not much arm twisting really was used on me, when I started bargaining for a better price I was given a phone number and told to phone the owner, which turned out to be Rod. Well we got chatting, found out he was recently  divorced as well, bought his bike from him, didn't get a cent off as I recall. Then started doing the odd Enduro together around the East London district, Rod had a small holding just outside East London, on which he had made a great Motor-Cross  track for us to train on, we used to ride as often as possible and soon thought we must try our luck on the  National Enduro scene,  off we would go touring SA to races, very seldom did we ever finish, but fun  was had by all, oooh I did get a 3rd place once, only 3 riders in my age group  had  entered.
When I was planning to ride up Africa Rod was keen but due work hassles he pull out. Only afterwards to find out that he had Cancer. Shame he never gave up the idea of one day joining me on a long bike ride, always spoke about them when ever  we meet, after I had moved from East London  to Prince Albert


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