Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I got the sad news that my friend of long standing Rod Kunhardt of East London had given up his long fight with cancer and pass away on Sunday morning. "Rod the Road is Long, Mountains are high but we will over come" " Rest in Peace Buddy Cheers " To Kendyl and the Kunhardt clan my deepest sympathy  and condolences . Sorry I cant made the funeral on Thursday but my thoughts will be with everybody back in East London.

Rod I would like to "Dedicate My Ride to You" every time I put my leg over the saddle I will be thinking of you.


Blogger Johann Rissik said...

Rod would appreciate that.

April 20, 2011 at 8:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Lindsay, what a beautiful letter to rod, thank you so very much, you are always on our minds, Ria came thru to the funeral, so appreciated it, am so full of the flu at moment so cant go to prince albert as wanted to for a few days, maybe we all get together when you back and celebrate Rods life, thank you once again for the kind words love kathy

April 24, 2011 at 3:14 PM  

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