Tuesday, April 19, 2011

North Road To Hope Then on Highway 3 East To Osoyoos

" Osoyoos " in First Nation (Indian) means "Place Of Water" It's the village that Karin and Richard Kirkpatrick stay in, friends who we made after  Ria sold them  properties  in Prince Albert but live in British Columbia.  Karin is a doctor who has semi-retired but still does locums in the area around Osoyoos. She was born in South Africa and has lived in BC for the past 35 years, even though she still has a yearning to return one day to a Karoo Farm, Richard is Canadian born and is involved in natural herbs and plants, makes and prepares mixtures from different local herbs and some imported plant groups. Went into town with him today and off he went to collect used ground coffee beans from the local coffee shops,  which he then uses as fertilizer in his veggie garden. Also gives lectures in Vancouver and the surrounding area on how to prepare and start your own veg growing garden.
Osoyoos is desert town  with a lake, dry landscape that grows some of the best fruit and wine grapes.Also one of the few town around were you can play golf in the morning and go skiing in the afternoon. Spending a few days off the bike here to re-charge my batteries before heading South again to take in the sights of middle America and Yellowstone National Park, then Salt Lake City and on to the Gulf of Mexico coastline.

Someone asked on comments awhile ago if I enjoy riding alone, well it does have a few benefits, like you can chose the route, stop only when you want too,  ride at your own pace, quicker refilling at Gas Stations.But I think there are more  disadvantages to being  on your own, you miss seeing a light behind you, the companionship, having someone to talk to and enjoy  the unforgetable sights and places.  After a while you start, well I do, singing to yourself, making up stupid songs that are hard to get out of your head. The thing I miss the most though are the " Stories " told by Stan, always a new one, always a laugh a minute.


Anonymous Dirk Lottering said...

Yeah you see Lindsay, now if you allowed me to put a few of my favourite tunes on your ipod you would not need to make up songs or sing to yourself. Need I remind you of the pleasant tunes you had through Africa :o)

April 19, 2011 at 10:58 AM  
Blogger Lindsay said...

Ja Dirk, still worried, may not hear that new bearing going if I put Ipod on.Funny how you think. My singing is still a hundred times better than ??" jumping Oldie dressed in school cloths and shorts.

April 19, 2011 at 5:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They were bloody brilliant Linds!! Dont be so set in your music ways.... Pleased to hear I am not the only one that sings to myself! A few ideas though, vader jacob, old mac donald had a farm..... Atleast you will be able to sing to Jesse when you get back??!!! M xx

April 19, 2011 at 11:00 PM  
Blogger Lindsay said...

Ja Michelle, its amazing how things come back to you, the bands name was AC/DC
Enjoy work Love Lindsay

April 20, 2011 at 5:30 AM  

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