Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I came up with this name, " Born 2 Ride 4 Adventure " during one of my many trips to "Die Hel' while still working very hard back home, I was asked by someone back home today,  no names mentioned,  if I still knew how to work. Time will tell hey.

Things I heard and got on the road.
Filling up at the Gas Station I young guy walked over and started chatting, told me he had also been on the road for a few years yes years, would a like a CD, well not really knowing what he mint, said yes and off he went to his RV and returned with 2 CD's. He is part of a band, who go from town to town getting gigs to pay for their new lifestyle: Band called " Matt Epp and the Amorian Assembly " other CD called " Safe or Free " by Matt Epp Wrote on his business card for me 'The long-haired musician that cornered you at a gas station Ha " Matt Epp

Sitting having coffee today, a guy comes over and says, " You from Africa" here is a CD disc of mine " Faster Than Sight " Funny golfing swing shots, now why would he think I would want his disc and how did he guess I  was from Africa.

A couple were chatting next to me, same coffee shop, about the guys new pick-up, well he said it's new because the last one was burnt, when my house burnt down last month. While walking back to Richards place, I pasted his burnt out house.


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