Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mexico land of Tacos, Speed-bumps (tope) & 36 wheeler trucks

Well if you never been to Mexico, you will soon learn what the Spanish name for a "Speed-bump" is. "Tope"Never in my life have I seen so many, on bye roads, high-ways and only if you take the very expenses Toll roads do you miss them, but you still get at the entry & exit of the toll booths.You can be doing 80km's a hour,  come around a corner and bang you hit this unmarked bump in the road, sometime and only sometimes do  you seen a sign "Reducto" (reduce speed) but always to late. So obvious the first one catches you out and from then on you start looking more closer at the road when you approach a town or village.So guys don't complain about speed-bumps in SA, there are more here in a 100km radius than in the whole of SA not "Kidneying.
Back to trucks, well you also see these double trailer rigs there, back in SA were you have a horse & trailer, well here they attach 2 trailers to a horse, making it a 36 wheel rig, imagine the tyre bill for one

Quote & Posted by Stan "Happiness is a clean pair of underpants & a full tank of petrol"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HA HA! Yip...and if you hit it around rainy season the "tope" and sometimes the sign too - are under water!!!! Just stay safe and keep a close eye on your valuables around those guys at the checkpoints! Bev

March 30, 2011 at 2:09 AM  

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