Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Heading North to Texas

Coming through the border post from Guatemala to Mexico was a breeze we thought half a hour tops. Till we arrived at a town called Tapachula where we got stopped again and we had to go the whole hog again of importing the bike plus had to pay $35 by credit card or put a deposit down of $300 cash. My card didn't work deliberately ??? so I had to borrow from Stan & Lindsay dollars, which is refundable on leaving Mexico. For some reason on Lindsay permit was printed for 35 days, Stan's for 30 days and mine only for 7 days or loose my deposit. That same day we left from the border at 2pm and still managed to ride 300km's. Next day on the road by 6am. heading down the coast. The first 150km's was straight and the next 120km's turned out to be very twisty on the coastal road. Decided then to turn inland and head for  Oaxaca,  well we had to then do 250km's steep up-hill and hundreds of bends & curves, does any of you know the Franschoek Pass, this was it, a little bit tighter and 180km's longer. Took us 6 hours of concentration, the 100km's before this was "Long Tom Pass " 3 hors. That evening we were "Dog Tired" and ready to go to sleep at 9pm even without a night cap.

Posted by Marco.


Blogger Rob Croese said...

Ah, yes, good old Mexico. If you say you are just driving through to the US they give you 7 days, if you say you are going to visit Mexico and their beautiful ruins, etc., they give you at least 30 days. Too bad you can only stay 7 days, as Mexico is worthy of at least 2 weeks - lots to see and many great roads to ride.


March 29, 2011 at 10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems that with the 7day permit you really have to race through Mexico if the original idea was to cross into USA at Tijuana to get to San Diego !!

March 30, 2011 at 9:55 AM  

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