Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Stantheman thoughts on trip so far

Sparky the stark plug has a lot to say, No guessing who we are talking about, probable first to be check at border posts, had a lot to say also today to the poor taxi driver who could not stop in the middle of huge circle, differently not a stopping area but he wanted to jump out in late afternoon traffic to save a few rands of taxi fare. Sparky forgot to mention about our lekker train ride from Dakar Motos to Florida station, cost only 90cents each, quick & easy mode of transport, then we walked to ATM the insurance company who issue our insurance passes for Argentina & Chile, lucky for us Marco knew the way as he has been to Argentina four times before. The pavement restaurants between the tall skyscrapers and narrow streets, made us feel like we were finally on our holiday. We also caught another taxi to the famous soccer stadium and found a nice pub for beer and bump into a famous motor bike racing friend from Jo'burg Stuart MC Cloud, who had just return from a boat trip down to Antarctica. See Sparky you can't take me anywhere in the world were I'am known. We may demoted Sparky to a new handle " Mr Joe Pesci" Over & Out


Blogger TONY HEATH said...

"sparky" doesn't see the point in going round and round for half an hour in one way traffic ,in a hot/humid metal box to go 500 metres as the crow flies.Taxis very cheap here so money's no object.
Anyway,we've got a wager on here for tomorrow.
Stan and I walk to the station while Lindsay and Marco catch the hotbox and bet we beat the @#$%^ out of them!

January 11, 2011 at 1:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what the frieken dell!!! grandpa! sounds like you're having a blast! drive safe, you free spirit, you!!! All our love - jami and wayde

January 20, 2011 at 4:13 PM  

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