Sunday, January 9, 2011


Well,we made it!Sitting in our  very adequate apartment on the outskirts of B/A,airconned,wi-fied ,two TV's nogal!(Lindsay and Marco moved into the main suite and the two kids Stan & I in the kids suite)
Got up @ 4:30 am and the Volvo wouldn't start.Flat battery ??Swapped to the BMW and arrived @ C/T  airport @ 6ish .Proceeded to ride straight over Cheryl's foot getting out of the lift!Hope she's OK!
Just over 9 hours on Malaysian a/lines with Lindsay and I getting the fire escape seats ,Stan with his own row of 3 and Marco a full on middle section of 4 seats.
Taxi was waiting @ B/A and 30 mins. later we're here.
Weathers about the same as C/T (27 ish) .A quick shower and we'll soon be out to try ,out one of these famous Argentinian steaks.
We'll report back tomorrow once we've contacted the shipping agents to attempt to set up the bike clearances which are scheduled to arrive on Tuesday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Delighted that the adventure has begun! All best wishes and ride safely!
Terence T

January 9, 2011 at 10:33 PM  

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