Saturday, April 2, 2011

Planning of the Trip

Back home in Prince Albert when I started looking at doing another long road trip, did I ever imagine how huge the country's we were to cross would be. Take for instance Central America. Easy to overlook on a map, this compact seven- country link between South & North America is packed full of culture, ancient ruins and activities. Nowhere else is so much  packed into a slender frame, for starters trembling and lava volcanoes, many perfect cones poke out above the clouds, Maya pyramids, jungle walks and a great shoreline on the Caribbean & Pacific coasts. Seen great surf spots on the trip, diving I believe is also done on beautiful coral reefs. Saw amazing Spanish-colonial towns with cobbled streets, lots of vendors in cowboy hats selling  what ever you need from 3 wheeled  carts with load speakers, alway at full volume, to call customers


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi linds, been trying to post a few days now, hopefully this will succeed?!? All the posts sounds great. Its great to hear of all the things there are to do. Sometimes it feels like we are there w you alk.
Take care and love
Michelle x

April 2, 2011 at 11:04 PM  
Blogger Willem Viljoen said...

Hi Tony. Trust u well. Still following your journey regulary.Dont know if you receive any of my messegase ? Had a few beers a Forries with Emil last week. Verder gaan dit goed hier in sunny C T. Stormers beat the Sharks @ today is the end of the Cape Epic mountain bike race.In 3 weke is dit die Two oceaans. Ek gaan net die half doen.India won the Cricket World Cup. Groete Willie

April 3, 2011 at 4:08 PM  

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