Saturday, January 22, 2011

Night from Hel

After a long  days riding through some amazing areas, lot of day is spent waiting in line at petrol station for  petrol which is an ongoing happening in every town we pass through. Landed up in Rada Tilly were it seems to never stop blowing, put up our tents in a howling gale, before we got to bed every thing was covered in sand. Went looking for food, which is a problem here if you want to eat before 9.00pm. Everything only starts opening after 9.00pm or later, Left today early, straight the wind did about 200km's starting falling asleep, after about 430km's all decided to stop before the whole crew fell asleep on their bikers. Stop over in Puerto de Punta Oulia got a nice 3 bedroomed house, of course my size does sometimes have its benefits, I got the double bed.


Blogger Unknown said...

shotgun the double bed after a full days riding is the way to go.

safe riding


January 22, 2011 at 7:53 PM  

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