Monday, February 28, 2011

Our stay in San Vicente & ride up to Lima

Greeting from the other 3 on the trip, arrived in San Vicente mid Saturday afternoon, found a great looking hotel, only to be told full  ( Don't like bikers we think ) moved on further  down the road and found another joint. Then walked into town, most towns & villages in all the country's we visited so far have a central square which seems to be the meeting point for the whole village, very festive around the square.Had supper at the local Pizza & fresh fruit drink store, so decided also to come back in the morning for breakfast, after which found the local phone kiosk shop were you can phone home 15minute for R12, (Wow we get ripped off by Telkom & other cell phone company's in SA ) came out and meet a couple of Canadian BMW bikers who were on a trip,  flying in & out of major city's and invited us to come and stay with them in Canada on our way up, small world there friend at home is an ex South African from Durban.
Left San Vicente and headed up a double highway all the way to Lima about 200km's, well about 30km's out we were diverted off the highway onto a small coastal road ( believe from the B&B owner that they do it to give the coastal road more business ) only to be caught up in the biggest traffic jam I seen so far. after been patient for a while,  started to take the gaps on the right hand side of the road, weaving in & out of the cars, buses & trucks, saw Marco & Stan doing the same on the other side, found a side road so took the break and made a good few km's ahead, stop and waited saw the other 3 coming, carried on until out of the jam, stopped and waited again, well Stan & Marco arrived but no Tony, waited for about 40minutes for him to no avail. Heard afterwards that he had decided not to come in to Lima and carried on up the coast to wait for us.  After a normal discussion we thought maybe he had got  ahead of us we carried on, only to find we were on a highway again so we could not turn back. At a stop street a old lady in car asked Marco were he was from, he recognized her  assent as been German and told her were we came from and were headed to Lima and needed a hotel or B&B, she said follow her, which we tried to do as she was a very fast and good driver, but all ended well as she bought us to the best B&B we have stay in on our trip so far.Today Monday Marco & Stan went into the city to found a Honda dealer and try get the fuel pump and also needs  new brake shoes.
Barranco's B&B Highly recommended 

Look like Vultures on top of Villa Teressa 

Lima's local beach

Catch a wave Lima Style

Wow check my Look out 

Nice way to do your wall

Fresh fruit seller

Nice supermarket around the corner

I took a walk around the area, a lot like Sea Point & Greenpoint


Anonymous Dirk said...


Tell the guys to find either a

Facet Fuel Pump / Pompa Benzina Facet

Pressure (Psi) 3.0-4.5
• Flow: Gallons per Hour 12
• Height 0.3 metres
• Thread Size: 1/8th nptf

They are used in cars and small aeroplanes OR

Pierburg fuel pump 7.21440.51.0

They are 1/4 of the cost and will outlast the Honda fuel pumps 10 times.

February 28, 2011 at 7:51 PM  
Blogger Johann Rissik said...

Nice write up Lindsay, and great pics too. Thank you.

@Dirk: That's about the best comment to date, aren't you going green with envy though?

February 28, 2011 at 9:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

brings back lots of happy memories of many trips to lima and outlying areas of peru. truly an amazing country where the national pastime is eating good food and drinking lots of pisco sour, H

February 28, 2011 at 11:52 PM  
Anonymous Dirk said...

@Johann: No of course not I love the nice 4 degree weather in London overcast and icy cold.....not.

Three years + 60k miles with an Africa Twin I picked up a few things.

March 1, 2011 at 5:37 PM  

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