Monday, November 1, 2010

Another hard day in Africa

Eish, but who shrunk my leathers ?

This is what you look like after a more than 100km's of off-road riding in the Steynsburg mountain area. Stephan (local wine farmer) & I saw an ad in the country Life for a Fun Off-road bike ride, being the adventurous types, we decide to travel up on Thursday, first visiting the Gariep Dam, staying at the new Destyle Hotel, great place, did the dam wall tour, very interesting, sundowner trip on the dam. On to Steynsburg early on Saturday to do the ride. Well we were sent off in single file, you know what happens when you are in a hurry and over eager to show off, well after less than a 100 meters I crossed the first of many black mud river crossing, only to fall in front of many on-lookers.Then they took us on through grass fields up rocky mountain paths and down very steep hills. Strangely the path up was painted with red paint and the downhill in white paint. Then along deep donga's with the same black mud river crossings, up & down more steep hills and as always the final sting in the tail was a very steep zig-zag up the mountain climbing over  7000feet  to the top and then down again, and back to the finish at the Country club for a few beers and braai.

Is this what went into the black bag?
Stephan tried to avoid falling where I did........always follow the old dogs if you want to stay out of trouble


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